Montana’s Bob Marshall Wilderness is the crown jewel of America’s National Wilderness System, boasting over a million acres of pristine wilderness, and when the Forest Service...
Every year, the outdoor writers of the world receive desperate pleas from the various fish and wildlife departments around the country to please tell our readers...
Of 439 million acres managed by the U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management, 99 percent are open to hunting and fishing. In addition, the...
Dear Vegans of America, I welcome you to sport hunting with open arms. Dear Vegans, I’ll start by saying that nobody cares what you choose to...
The Coronavirus pandemic may still be ongoing, but as state stay-at-home orders lift one by one, more and more people are heading outside to enjoy what’s...
“Snowflakes,” Hell. The Millennials are hunting and conservation’s best hope. As Generation X ages, we’re learning that one of the great pleasures of middle age is...