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Outdoorsman After Dark: Michigan State Parks



Watch the stars throw down their spears this month …

From spine-tingling campfire tales at Muskallonge Lake State Park to a Bat Hike at Maybury State Park, and even Yooperlight rock hunting at Harrisville State Park, there’s a nighttime adventure for everyone this month!

Across the state, the Perseid meteor shower will also be visible on clear nights at many of Michigan’s state parks. Peaking in mid-August, this meteor shower is the best of the year, offering the opportunity to see up to 100 shooting stars per hour. To view the show, you will need a location away from light pollution and a clear view of the sky to the northeast.

Recently, Indian Lake State Park guide Leah Saxton hosted a “S’more and Meteor” event to celebrate the Perseid shower, drawing in dozens of park visitors. Situated along the shores of Indian Lake in the Upper Peninsula, the park is an ideal spot for stargazing because of its clear night skies. Here, visitors can frequently enjoy meteor showers, views of various constellations and phenomena such as the Northern Lights. If you can’t make it to the U.P. but still want to enjoy the night sky, Van Buren State Park near South Haven will host a program about the Sturgeon Moon Aug. 16 at 10 p.m., complete with a telescope for guests to use.

Events like these are part of the Explorer Guide program, which offers free educational programs to campers and day-use visitors at over two dozen state parks, with topics ranging from orienteering, wildlife identification and survival skills to basic fishing lessons and scavenger hunts.

“Someone shared with me that feeling connected to a natural resource is like ownership, which carries the responsibility of caring for the park environment,” said Saxton. “Working with park educators is an incredible opportunity, and being with park guests is a privilege. I really love connecting guests to our park’s environment and teaching visitors about the night sky.”

For more information and weekly schedules for the 25 Explorer Guide parks, visit Questions about the DNR’s Explorer Guide Program  Contact Shaun McKeon at 989-370-0789.


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