Nobody knows just exactly how old the story of the Choctaw tribe and the American Bison is. What we do know is that it certainly wasn’t...
International Wildlife Crimestoppers, Inc. (IWC) has joined the Boone and Crockett Club as a research and media partner in their coordinated efforts against poaching. Through the...
The National Wild Turkey Federation celebrated conservation achievements and lasting partnerships in an innovative way during its Virtual 45th Convention and Sport Show. “As spring approaches, we...
Note: Today’s article comes to us courtesy of the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus. The Congressional Sportsmen’s Foundation (CSF) announced changes to the Congressional Sportsmen’s Caucus (CSC) leadership for...
One of the biggest conservation controversies is heating up in Colorado… As we mentioned just a couple of weeks ago, the re-introduction of wolves into areas...
One of the greatest controversies among sportsmen and conservationists is the role of the wolf in our ecosystems. That controversy may just be heating up in...
What do hunters hate more than heavy rain and high winds? Poachers, that’s what, and this year Operation Game Thief (OGC) aims to put an end...
Say it with me: 2.3 million acres. Ahh…that’s nice. Recently, Department of the Interior Secretary David Bernhardt announced the biggest increase in hunting and fishing opportunities...
Hallelujah, it has happened! The U.S. House of Representatives’ Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians and Congress-Critters of all stripes got together and passed H.R. 1957, the ‘Great American...
What happens when trade unions and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) come together for conservation? From past joint operations, it seems what we get...