Looking for a Bowie knife that won’t break the bank? In this thorough, in-depth review from This Old Sword Blade Reviews, you’ll be surprised to learn...
The Labor Day weekend is an excellent time to squeeze in an end-of-summer camping trip before kids head back to school and the bustling fall begins....
Just a few days ago, we sponsored a lively discussion on North American predators and how to best manage them. Today, we have news from California...
Are you ready for your backcountry adventure? When you hear 5.11, you might be thinking “tactical,” and you wouldn’t be wrong … but did you know...
Lions, tigers, and bears, oh yawn. It’s the moose you need to worry about. You are in the middle of a hike to your favorite waterfall....
Dear Wallet: Brace yourself (again), because there’s something I shouldn’t want…but do. Ever read World War Z (the book, not that awful Brad Pitt vehicle they...
Spring forward? Spring back? Forget the alarm clock, it’s time for a self-defense guns and gear giveaway! March 2021 is roaring in like a lion this...
Hi, City Folks! We’re your new country neighbors, and this is your welcome basket. If you live in the country, chances are quite good that you’ve...
What’s in your vehicle survival kit? You’ve no doubt heard of Murphy’s Law: “Anything that can go wrong, will.” Munson’s Law, which I named for myself,...
This excellent training video from CrossBreed Holsters is much easier to watch than that Tarantino flick… Quentin Tarantino’s “The Hateful Eight” is a pretty good film...