Camping Gear
9 Brilliant Camping Gear Ideas Every Camper MUST TRY!
Camping is an outdoor adventure that everybody should experience at least once.
However, to make sure you avail the most out of it, you need to make sure you’re well equipped for your camping trip. Even though you might have a love for the outdoors, the experience significantly lowers if don’t know how to do it. Don’t worry, here are 9 Brilliant Camping Gear Ideas You Can’t Help But Love!
Camping Idea #1: Worried your juices won’t stay cold? With this idea you won’t be!
One of the biggest struggles of camping is struggling with warm drinks. However, that’s no longer an issue with this trick. If you fill up your juice bottles with water and freeze it, then you’ll get long lasting ice for your drinks. Remember, only fill up your bottles three-quarters with water so you can refreeze them as well. This trick works with juice bottles, sports bottles and glass milk bottles as well!
Camping Idea #2: Goodbye hard floors!
First time campers tend to struggle with hard floors quite a lot. Don’t worry, though, with this idea you no longer have to face the trouble of hard floors anymore! Simply place foam floor tiles to glam up your tent and add a sleeping bag along with it. That way you won’t have to get back up with a bad back!
Camping Idea #3: Toilet paper tends to dirty up first hand? Not anymore!
So, it’s time to look into the more important aspects of camping: toiletries! Yes, that’s a matter of concern because you’re not going to go around using a leaf as a tissue paper. There’s a love for wilderness but not so much love for wilderness. While you can use toilet paper, one problem you’re bound to face is it dirtying up the toilet paper so here’s a hack you can try out: use a coffee can to keep your toilet paper dry and clean. It counts as the best amongst the 9 Brilliant Camping Gear Ideas You Can’t Help But Love!
Camping Idea #4: Tie down your tent using a rock!
So, you’ve gone camping and suddenly face the trouble of a torn grommet? That counts for an early pass to a camping trip, right? Actually, it doesn’t! You can simply use a rock and twist it tightly onto the tarp so that it covers it up nice and well. You can secure this against a tree to make sure it stays in place.
Camping idea #5: Saying goodbye to cold feet
Want to know what takes the lead amongst the 9 Brilliant Camping Gear Ideas You Can’t Help But Love? It’s none other than saying bye-bye to cold feet! You can do this by stuffing up the ends of your sleeping bag with clothes and since the feet are usually the first things to get cold, you can be sure to stay warm and comfortable throughout the night!
Camping Idea #6: Pencils are used for more than just writing!
If your bag or tent zippers are known to get stuck every now and then, it’s time to use your pencil to unzip them. Graphite is known prevent zippers from getting stuck so simply rubbing it against the zipper will help immensely.
Camping Idea #7: Make the most of it by watching the constellations
Now that the age of technology is here, it’s time to make the most of it by making use of your technology. You can now connect the stars and make up constellations if you download the right app and make the most out of a good trip.
Camping Idea #8: A DIY toilet done right
Counting down #8 of you 9 Brilliant Camping Gear Ideas You Can’t Help But Love is one that will go best with camping idea #3. You can make your own toilet simply by using a bucket, trashbag and foam and put it together to make your trip a lot more easier!
Camping Idea #9: DIY lantern to light up your path
And finally, in your list of 9 Brilliant Camping Gear Ideas You Can’t Help But Love is a DIY lantern and for this, all you’ll need is:
- A headlamp
- A gallon of water
Once you put them together, it will turn into a high-powered light that you simply cannot avoid.
These ideas will make you quite thankful and allow you to achieve the absolute best experience out of your camping trip so try them and don’t miss out. Happy Camping!
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