It’s nice to see our taxes working towards something we support, isn’t it? This new video, courtesy of our friends at the National Shooting Sports Foundation...
It’s Volunteer Week, and RMEF’s volunteers do much more than picking up trash … Volunteering doesn’t have to make you feel like someone working off a...
Turns out that poachers are good for something after all, and Arkansas knows what it is! The Arkansas Economic Development Commission Division of Rural Services awarded grants worth...
Quail hunting is nothing like it once was. When fence rows from small farms and family gardens crisscrossed Alabama and the Southeast, the bobwhite flourished. Since...
Who says you can’t teach an old duck new tricks? Ninety years ago, the first Federal Migratory Bird Hunting and Conservation Stamp (Duck Stamp) was sold....
The thunder has been a bit quieter of late … For the last couple of years, America’s wild turkey, once the star success story of conservationism,...
The Department of the Interior has announced it will invest $23 million in landscape-scale conservation and restoration in the Prairie Pothole Region states of Iowa, Minnesota, Montana, North...
It’s one of the most beautiful places in America, if not on Earth … A stunningly scenic 507-acre swath of rich wildlife habitat in southern Wyoming...
As part of the NWTF’s recent $360,000 investment into wild turkey research, a Texas Tech project in Texas’ Edwards Plateau seeks to understand the factors leading to diminishing habitat for...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service and the National Wild Turkey Federation recently signed a landmark 20-year national master stewardship agreement. This first-of-its-kind agreement paves...