I don’t white-knight coyotes, but I will white-night them! For over a century hunters, defenders and people who just really like to see at night were...
Safari Club International (SCI) and Safari Club International Foundation (SCIF) want your support for sustainable predator management in North America as part of a uniquely American...
Because not all of us can afford a “Back 40” (or even a “Back 4”) to go shooting in… Let’s face facts: As much as we’d...
As you sow, so shall you reap. Creating an attractive food plot to bring deer and other wildlife in to your hunting spot is something of...
Delta Waterfowl forecasts that poor breeding conditions in the prairie pothole region will result in a smaller fall flight than waterfowl hunters have experienced for many...
Safari Club International needs you to help voice opposition to the Chipman nomination. One of the deepest schisms in the gun-owning community is the one between...
Call it a changing of the guard at the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation’s 2021 World Elk Calling Championships (WECC), presented by Sportsman’s Warehouse. RMEF, with the...
So the loggers have been through your lease, and left clear-cuts behind. That’s actually a good thing for many game species, because deer and most other...
When big-bore revolvers become a big bore… When you think about hunting big game with a handgun, no doubt you’re thinking of single-shot pistols chambered in...
We all know that, as much fun as outdoor television can be, many of the exciting scenes that we’re watching are really only exciting because of...