Today, a conservation victory with a surprise hero…a multilevel-marketing company! The Utah Division of Natural Resources (DWR) had a problem: They wanted to introduce what’s called...
Thank you for being proud, ethical sportsmen (and the best readers ever)! This year, we’re raising a Thanksgiving toast to you, the American outdoorsmen and women...
Release the hounds, Smithers… The use of tracking dogs to recover a game animal is as old as the partnership between Man and Dog itself. However,...
America’s public-land hunters have an angel who has requested privacy, and we thank him or her. Here at Popular Outdoorsman, we often spend time sadly discussing...
Back in 1937, in the heart of the Depression and the Dust Bowl, America looked around itself and realized that our wild spaces were in serious...
Yes, yes, they are very cute … until they’ve eaten every scrap of green in our garden, that is. If you’ve joined the great COVID-19 exodus...
North Dakota’s current drought may portend a slow duck season this fall…but there’s no reason to panic. Newly released numbers from the North Dakota Game and...
Back in the eighth grade, Christian Liden hadn’t so much as met his future bride, but he had a plan: He would design and mine the...
No, this isn’t Red Dawn 2021Â (although you can hold an AK-47 over your head if you want to). Today, we have some interesting news courtesy of...
Biden Administration seeks to conserve 30% of America’s lands and waters by 2030 The Mule Deer Foundation sees lots to like about the Biden Administration’s newly...