America’s public-land hunters have an angel who has requested privacy, and we thank him or her. Here at Popular Outdoorsman, we often spend time sadly discussing...
Executives love to talk about “optics,” don’t they? Here’s how we do it at Popular Outdoorsman… The engineers at N8 Tactical know that these days, it’s...
More than a gun cleaning mat, the ProMat is here for all your outdoor adventures. Cerus Gear’s ProMat gun cleaning mats aren’t just gun cleaning and...
Your Springfield Hellcat deserves the finest leash! It’s always exciting when a new gun like the Springfield Hellcat hits the market, but as shooters our very...
WE Knife Company‘s approach to creating and producing everyday carry (EDC) knives is deceptively simple: Seek out the biggest blade-heads you can find, then give them...
I don’t white-knight coyotes, but I will white-night them! For over a century hunters, defenders and people who just really like to see at night were...
Love the outdoors? Why not get paid for it? One of the toughest things about being a full-time outdoorsman is that, although the coin in which...
Looking for a Bowie knife that won’t break the bank? In this thorough, in-depth review from This Old Sword Blade Reviews, you’ll be surprised to learn...
Watch out ladies, I’ve got my Leupolds… I used to refer to my eye protection–regardless of where I got said eye protection or who made it–as...
Now THAT is a great shot! Take your best shot with Popular Outdoorsman’s GREAT SHOT! III $5K Gun & Gear Giveaway! Our prize package stars...