Does the “PH” stand for Professional Hunter, Precision in a Hurry, or is it short for Ph.D? How about all three? It takes years to earn...
With firearm hunting season in full swing, millions of hunters will be hitting the woods in search of all types of game. As they head afield,...
This year, the gratitude is REAL! Ever get tired of coming up with reasons to say that you’re thankful before you finally get to dig into...
What do deer fear the most? If you’re a deer hunter, many’s the time you’ve heard the sounds of other predators in the woods, and cursed...
Know who else has a very particular set of skills, acquired over a very long career? Jim Shockey is an outdoor writer, professional big game outfitter,...
Nice shot! The National Bowhunter Education Foundation (NBEF) is calling all bowhunters to participate in its Photos from The Field contest, a celebration of the passion and camaraderie...
When the ordure meets the rotational device … when things go pear-shaped … when the shuffling undead rise to feed upon the living … When that...
Today’s article and video come to us in the form of a guest post from The XDMAN Himself! Driving fast in the left lane on the...
It’s wingshooting season! Here’s how to get the jump on those wily upland birds. 1. Scout early and often: When hunting doves, remember that as weather...
Here’s one way to tame an invasive species … Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nuñez announced the winners of the 2023 Florida Python Challenge. 1,050 participants from 35...